Bourbon Collecting: Tips for Starting Your Collection with a Splash of Spirit

Bourbon Collecting: Tips for Starting Your Collection with a Splash of Spirit

Ah, bourbon collecting – a hobby that combines the thrill of the hunt with the deep appreciation of America's native spirit. Whether you’re drawn to the rich history, the complex flavors, or the sheer joy of having a more impressive collection than your neighbor, diving into the world of bourbon collecting is as exciting as finding a rare bottle hidden in the back of your local liquor store. So, if you’re ready to start your own bourbon treasure trove, here are some spirited tips to get you swirling, sniffing, and sipping your way to connoisseur status.

  1. Know Your Bourbon Before It Knows You

First things first, get acquainted with what makes bourbon, well, bourbon. Understand the laws of the land: it must be made in the U.S., contain at least 51% corn in the mash bill, be aged in new, charred oak barrels, and be bottled at 80 proof or higher. This knowledge will not only impress your friends but also help you discern what you’re adding to your collection.

  1. Quality Over Quantity: Build Wisely

It’s easy to get caught up in the “more is more” mentality, but the savvy collector knows that a few choice bottles trump a cabinet full of mediocrity. Focus on quality and uniqueness. Seek out bottles with a story, whether it’s a limited release, a special cask finish, or a distillery with a rich, possibly scandalous history. Remember, you’re not just collecting bourbon; you’re curating a library of liquid history.

  1. Budget: Don’t Break the Bank Unless It’s Filled with Bourbon

Set a budget, but be prepared for it to go out the window faster than sobriety at a bourbon tasting. In all seriousness, allocate funds wisely. There will always be another “must-have” bottle, but rent, unfortunately, does not pay itself. Start small, and remember, the world of bourbon collecting is a marathon, not a sprint (unless it’s Black Friday at the liquor store, then sprint).

  1. Hunt Like a Pro: Where to Find Your Bourbon Treasures

The thrill of the hunt is half the fun. Beyond your local liquor store, explore estate sales, online auctions, and whiskey shows. Make friends with your local liquor store owner; they can be a treasure trove of information and might just call you when a rare bottle hits the shelves. And always, always keep an eye out when traveling. That hole-in-the-wall shop might just have a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle gathering dust.

  1. Tasting Is Believing: Know What You Like and Why You Like It

Taste as much as you can, whenever you can. Attend tastings, visit distilleries, and join bourbon clubs. Understanding the nuances of different bourbons will not only refine your palate but also help you make informed decisions about what to add to your collection. Plus, it’s a great excuse to drink more bourbon. For science 

  1. Storage: Keep Your Bourbon Happy and Your Investment Safe

Light, temperature, and humidity are the archenemies of bourbon. Store your bottles upright in a cool, dark place to prevent the cork from drying out and the bourbon from turning into an expensive bottle of disappointment. And while it might be tempting to display your collection on a sunny windowsill, unless you’re using the bottles as a very expensive light filter, just don’t.

  1. To Open or Not to Open: That Is the Question

The age-old collector’s dilemma: to open and enjoy or keep sealed for posterity (or profit)? Here’s a thought – why not both? Consider buying two bottles when you find something special: one to savor and one to save. After all, bourbon is made to be enjoyed, not just stared at longingly.

  1. Documentation: Keep Track of Your Liquid Assets

Keep a record of your collection. This can be as simple as a spreadsheet or as fancy as a custom app. Include details like the distillery, release date, price, and tasting notes. This not only helps you keep track of what you have (and what you’ve drunk) but can also be invaluable for insurance purposes or if you decide to sell part of your collection. 

  1. Connect with the Community: Bourbon Collectors Are Your People

The bourbon community is vast, knowledgeable, and usually quite friendly. Connect with other collectors through social media, forums, and local events. Sharing knowledge, tips, and, occasionally, bottles, can enrich your collecting experience and lead to lifelong friendships forged over a shared love of bourbon. 

  1. Savor the Experience: Remember Why You Started Collecting

As you journey deeper into the world of bourbon collecting, remember to take a step back and savor the experience. Whether it’s the thrill of the hunt, the joy of tasting, or the pleasure of sharing your collection with friends, keep in mind that bourbon collecting is about more than just accumulating bottles; it’s about the stories, the history, and the sheer enjoyment of America’s native spirit.

In the end, starting a bourbon collection is about embarking on a flavorful adventure, one that promises discovery, learning, and, of course, a bit of tipsy fun. So, here’s to you, future bourbon collector. May your glasses be full, your hunts successful, and your collection a source of pride and joy. Cheers to the spirited journey ahead! 🥃

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